Operation reciprocity: France’s evolving relationship with Africa
A lighter military footprint for France in Africa will reveal the true depth of its relations with the continent – and could provide a model for the broader European approach
A lighter military footprint for France in Africa will reveal the true depth of its relations with the continent – and could provide a model for the broader European approach
Mark Leonard is joined by Theodore Murphy, Julien Barnes-Dacey and Marie Dumoulin to talk about Sudan
Resisting the drift into US-China duopoly will be welcome among states of the global south – and will strengthen Europe’s relations across the board
The EU’s publication of the Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Act on 16 March 2023 creates an opportunity to redesign the EU’s relationship with Africa while…
It is necessary to move beyond overly militarised strategies for stabilisation in the Sahel. Local dialogue initiatives can address the roots of conflict – but require consistent buy-in from national governments
The EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act provides an opportunity to redefine the EU’s relationship with Africa – but it can only do so with the mining sector and European industrial actors on board
European countries risk undermining their Africa strategies if they continue to neglect the numerous crises on the continent and divert aid to Europe
Services play an increasingly important role in international trade. Improving EU-African trade in services would have wide-ranging benefits for both sides
The just-concluded general elections in Nigeria throw-up multiple contradictions. Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the declared winner, cannot resolve these by simply waving the proverbial magic wand
European and US support for African representation on the UNSC exposes the emptiness of Russia’s rhetoric on Africa and the global order. European leaders should take every opportunity to advance the issue of a permanent African seat or seats