5 points of alignment between China and Russia
During a recent workshop with European and Chinese foreign policy analysts, a few similarities between the Russian and the Chinese “defences” from global influences were striking
During a recent workshop with European and Chinese foreign policy analysts, a few similarities between the Russian and the Chinese “defences” from global influences were striking
Western hopes that China will take greater responsibility for dealing with international crises likely to be dashed
The expansion of the dialogue between Germany and China to include foreign and security policy could have a huge, and potentially problematic, effect for the European Union.
Hong Kong’s protests place Xi Jinping between a rock and a hard place, and Europe should be addressing it
The EU is ill-equipped to respond to foreign policy crises
As debate in China's centre is stifled, Hongkongers fear for their future – with good cause.
A discussion on the importance of Pakistan to world affairs and how Europe can improve its strategies towards Islamabad
As tensions in Asia increase, Europe cannot take Asia’s stability for granted
A new paper on EU external action sheds light on engagement and contacts between the EU and its ten strategic partners
The new Commission and High Representative could learn from ground-level engagement between EU and Chinese groups