‘Never again’ means Iraq too
The Democratic Party may push for Iraqi troop withdrawals and Europeans may continue ignoring the war, but both should be honest about the consequences of doing so
The Democratic Party may push for Iraqi troop withdrawals and Europeans may continue ignoring the war, but both should be honest about the consequences of doing so
In itself, the treaty will do nothing to convince Europe’s citizens, or the rest of the world, of what the EU is good for. But it will help the EU to do things that may convince them
European leaders are set to examine Nikolas Sarkozy’s proposal to launch a “Comit? des Sages” but the proposal has so far been received with scepticism by most stakeholders
Will Russia’s political tradition of personalised autocracy allow Putin’s survival strategy to succeed? An analysis in Bulgarian
After trying to resolve Kosovo’s status, diplomats have given up. The U.S and the EU now need to back the compromise proposed by UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari and re-affirm the region’s European trajectory
Putin?s grand plan may not yet be clear, but most of the likely variants now hinge on how he will use the mandate from Sunday?s election to stage-manage the next vote in March
The wind seems have gone out of the Bush administration’s Iran balloon. But air has been seeping out since the IAEA report in mid-November
Whatever the electoral outcome, Putin wins. But this time, the manner of the Russian strongman?s victory will undermine not only Russian democracy; but the credibility of Europe?s democracy-promotion
There?s a real risk that, in the weeks between now and Christmas, the EU will face violence in either Kosovo, where 15,000 European troops underwrite security, or Lebanon where 8,000 Europeans have made up the backbone of the UN peace force
The EU delegation has prepared an unusually full agenda for the annual EU-China Summit. However, there is a real danger they will go home empty-handed, and the Chinese will hijack the event to lecture about Taiwan and the Dalai Lama